1. Adding New Testimonial

To add a new testimonial go to Testimonials >> Add New: 

Add Testimonial title, content and optionally Featured Image and hit the publish button. Featured image is displayed as avatar in a circle shape so it is best if the image you upload is square. 

Repeat this step for all testimonials you wish to add.

2. Displaying testimonials

Testimonials are displayed on your website via the [testimonials] shortcode. You can add this shortcode anywhere on your website. For example you can create a new "Testimonials" page and add the shortcode there, or add it in one of the homepage content rows. 

The following optional attributes can be added to style the shortcode:

limit: Limit the number of displayed testimonials, by default displays all testimonials.

cols_in_row: Set the number of displayed testimonials per row, minimum 1, maximum 4, by default displays 3 testimonials per row.

avatar: Display the featured image as avatar, expected values are "true" or "false", by default is true.


Display all testimonials, 3 per row and display avatar (all default values)


Display total 8 testimonials, 2 per row and hide the avatar:

[testimonials limit="8" cols_in_row="2" avatar="false"]

Display all testimonials, 1 per row and display the avatar:

[testimonials cols_in_row="1"]