Step 1: Go to "Pages" and click "Add New".  Where it says "Add title", Type in "Home".  Click publish on the upper right hand side. (You can add your homepage content here or just leave it blank for now and edit it later)

Step 2: Go to "Pages" and click "Add New". Where it says "Add title", Type in "Blog". Click "publish" on the upper right hand side.

Step 3: Go to "Settings" and click "Permalinks".  We recommend using "Post name" and click "Save Changes".  

Doing this will default your URL on blog posts to the name of the post instead of "".  The "?p=123" gets replaced with the title of your blog posts.

Step 4: In WordPress, on the left sidebar, click "Appearance", then choose "Customize". It will send you to the WPInsurance website customization page. On the left menu click "Homepage Settings".

Step 5: If you want a traditional homepage (95% of users and what we recommend), under "Your homepage displays", keep the option for "A static page".  (If you choose "your latest posts", your blog will be the homepage).

Step 6: Under the homepage drop down, choose "Home" (the page you just added). Under the "Posts page" dropdown choose "Blog" (the other page you just added). Then hit "Publish" up top.

It should look like this: